About Me

My name is Paula and I am an Illustrator and Maker living in Northampton, UK. Ever since I was little I’m never happier than when I am creating something new and I carry a sketchbook with me wherever I go. I love to mix things up with various media including pencils, paint, needles and thread and enjoy working both traditionally and digitally.
I’m rarely short of ideas and inspiration can come from anywhere. I love animals and nature, literature, movies and music and they all find their way into my work. Sometimes however, something as simple as a new shade of coloured pencil can spark a whole new world of ideas and I’m off and running…
I love to design original, fun characters and bring them to life with a bit of magic. I use Procreate on my iPad Pro for my Illustration pieces and over time my drawings have come to adorn all sorts of items from dolls, wooden pins, mugs, bags, t-shirts and more. I have many plans for creating wider worlds around some of my characters so watch this space…
I’m particularly fond of classic literature and my range of Jane Austen inspired designs have struck a chord with so many fellow Janeites -I’ve send parcels of Pride and Prejudice loveliness all over the world!
I work from my own small studio space close to my home and can be found there most days busy drawing, sewing and packing your orders. I’m ably assisted by my trusty Studio Assistant, Dotty the Whippet, whose main duties include playing with the other studio dogs and pinching my biscuits!
I love to share my creations and it was always my dream to have my own online shop. In July 2017 I finally made it happen on Etsy and Paula and the Pencils was born! Over the last 5 years I feel so lucky that people have embraced my designs and I have sent parcels of happiness all over the world.
I can regularly be found out and about at Makers Markets all over the place – check out my Events Page for where you can find me next – I absolutely LOVE it when people come to say HELLO :)
There’s plenty of plans for things to come so watch this space and for all the latest news and daily updates, pop over to my Instagram, I’d love to have you there!